It is important to consider our health now more than ever. Despite the many benefits medicines has provided in our lives, it is important not to ignore the foundation that healthy habits can provide.
It’s probably been suggested before that you should eat healthy, exercise, sleep enough, limit alcohol consumption, and reduce stress. How can you tick off those boxes and why are those things so important? Keep reading as we discuss five essential habits for everyday living!
1. Eat healthy
There are always new diet fads, but some of them have some basis in science. However, diet and nutrition are complicated subjects. To start with, each person has a unique biology. Some things work for some people and not for others. Did you know that most people suffer from lactose intolerance? Humans have only recently developed the ability to break down lactose, a sugar found in dairy products. Not everyone can do it easily as an adult.
There are some broad suggestions that can be helpful despite the difficulties in navigating nutrition. Generally, avoiding excess sugar is a good thing for everyone. You can also provide your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs by eating a balanced diet rich in fruit and vegetables.
It can be time-consuming and difficult to prepare healthy meals. Especially when there are so many fast and easy options available, it can be hard to find the motivation to prepare healthy food after a long day at work. You can eat healthy by planning and preparing your meals ahead of time without having to constantly cook.
Meal prepping is a popular activity on days off. The same meal can be made in large quantities and packaged for individual servings if you don’t mind eating it every day for a week. It’s always possible to make two or more dishes, alternating throughout the week, if you have more time. You want to make it easy for yourself to choose the healthy option by getting all your cooking out of the way at once.
2. Exercise
Fitness isn’t just about getting in shape for the beach. You can benefit from it by improving your cardiovascular health, preventing disease, and staying physically fit. Additionally, exercise improves circulation, which in turn helps the immune system function optimally due to the improved flow of cells.
Experts recommend that you get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise per week to improve your cardiovascular system. You should use weights or resistance methods at least twice a week to strengthen your muscles. Spread out your workouts throughout the week if you can.
Even though it can be difficult to find the time for a full workout during the week, 30 minutes a day of moderate activity can do wonders for your health.
3. Drink alcohol in moderation
Even though a few drinks can be enjoyable, excessive alcohol consumption can be harmful. Besides causing inflammation, it can also increase your risk for certain types of cancer, as well as lead to heart issues down the line. The CDC recommends limiting your alcohol consumption and following the guidelines.
You should limit your daily alcohol intake as well as avoid drinking before going to bed, as alcohol can also negatively impact your sleep. There is no guarantee that the sleep that follows an alcoholic drink is optimal, even though many have experienced sleepiness after drinking alcohol. You may not be able to enter REM sleep, known as the restoration stage of sleep. In the long run, this can lead to complications as your body and mind have a difficult time recovering.
4. Get enough sleep
Anyone who has gone through a full day after only getting a few hours of sleep knows how important sleep is. It also helps you stay healthy because it prevents you from feeling groggy the next day.
While we don’t fully understand why sleep is so vital to our health, it is clear that it plays a vital role in restorative processes. In addition to helping us recover from the effects of daily wear and tear, it also helps us process our previous day’s information. Growing and developing are also essential parts of growing up for children and teenagers.
Sleep deprivation has been shown to have severe consequences down the road. In addition to heart disease, kidney disease, and high blood pressure, sleep deficiency is linked to a variety of medical issues.
Sleep deprivation can have negative effects on your mental health as well. There is a possibility that certain mental illnesses can be exacerbated by sleep problems. Recent research suggests that sleep deprivation can cause Alzheimer’s disease, or even increase the severity of the disease.
Taking a nap can boost your performance temporarily, but it doesn’t replace a good night’s sleep. Just how much sleep do you need? Depending on your age, infants need 16 hours a day, whereas adults over 18 need 7-8 hours.
Sleeping habits can be improved by waking up and going to bed at the same time every day. Despite temptations to sleep in on the weekends, you should maintain a consistent schedule during the week. Before you go to bed, allow yourself one hour of quiet relaxation and avoid bright lights. You can also maintain a healthy sleeping schedule by exercising regularly and going outside.
5. Reduce stress
Science has only recently begun to study stress and how it affects the body, though people have been aware of its effects for a long time. It can cause simple headaches and stomach pains to increased blood pressure and sleep disturbances. Despite not precisely knowing how stress impacts our health, it is clear that reducing it is important, even if it is merely for our peace of mind. Of course, it isn’t always easy to do.
To manage stress effectively, you must find out what causes it. This is not always as easy as it sounds. There are obvious stressors (such as work deadlines and busy schedules), but other things, such as relationship issues, are harder to identify and more difficult to resolve.
If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, whether it’s due to work or something else, you may find that simply writing it down can help. Take a moment to jot down everything you’re thinking. Understanding what you’re dealing with and uncovering things you weren’t aware of may help you get a better understanding of what you’re going through.
In addition, managing stress involves finding ways to cope with problems, rather than removing them entirely. Some degree of stress is inevitable and may even be beneficial. Several of the previous healthy habits we discussed can go a long way in helping you manage and reduce stress. Exercise, healthy eating, and getting enough sleep can all play a role.
Stress can also be reduced by relaxing practices like yoga and meditation. All of us need help from time to time, and counselling can be extremely beneficial.
Disclaimer: Please note that the information contained in this article is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider when you have questions about a medical condition or treatment.